Bringing Mothers Back to work


Project Publication

Project Acronym


Project Titel

Bringing mothers back to work

Project Short Description

MothersCan is an innovative Adult education program with the overall objective of supporting mothers’ empowerment, professional development, long-term reintegration into the labour market through their empowerment and the acquisition of entrepreneurial competences.


Encouraging mothers to actively cultivate competences transferable to their professional environment, through empowering sessions, aligned to the field specific priority selected.

Supporting the creation of entrepreneurial and soft skills development programs and environments for mothers after maternity leave, aligned to the field specific priority selected.

Increase awareness of Hiring Managers for the advantages and positive impact of the incorporation of mothers in working environments is creating, enabling them to support decisions that will favour their return to work, , aligned to the horizontal priority selected.

Developing a sustainable multi-level partnership allowing for better cooperation between different stakeholders to raise awareness and change views on maternity leave and motherhood within companies, and more largely in society, aligned to the field specific priority selected.


The Objectives are going to be achieved through concrete results produced during the MothersCan implementation period:

Result 1

An empowerment scheme will be developed, tailored to mother in or after pregnancy, increasing their self-efficacy, proving them with skills and competences and supporting them towards their integration to the labour market.

Result 2

An awareness raising and training package for Hiring Managers will be delivered, enabling them to create more inclusive environments for mothers.

Result 3

A training courses in the form of OERs for the increase of entrepreneurial skills tailored to mothers who wish to become self-employed.


Empowering women: Development of an empowerment scheme supporting mother’s skills enhancement and return to work

    1. Design of a designated empowerment scheme adapted to pregnant women and women in early motherhood, in order to increase their self-efficacy and self-confidence that would increase their intention to re-integrate in the labor market
    2. Delivery of empowerment sessions to beneficiaries, to verify the effectiveness of the empowerment scheme developed.
    3. Active support of beneficiaries during the integration process, including the interview process, verifying the level to which the MothersCan approach can actually increase the integration of women in early motherhood in the labor market.
    4. Increase of quality of life, though the social inclusion of pregnant women and mothers in early motherhood in the working life.

Changing the style package. Development of a training course for Hiring Managers on the benefits of hiring new mothers

  1. Design of a designated “Changing the style package” where a training course for Hiring Managers on the benefits of hiring mothers in early motherhood is going to be developed.
  2. Delivery of a blended learning programme to Hiring Managers and other Entrepreneurs for the increase of the positive view on the added value that can be created with the integration of mothers in early motherhood in the working environment.
  3. Increase of productivity through the creation of inclusive working environments that will integrate mothers in early motherhood in the working life.

Offering flexibility. Promoting self-employment of young mothers through the delivery of entrepreneurial skills

  1. Design of a designated entrepreneurial and soft skills development programs, offering flexibility to mothers after maternity leave.
  2. Increase of the entrepreneurial skills of beneficiaries (women in pregnancy or in early motherhood) through the delivery of relevant training course.
  3. Support beneficiaries during their start-up activities through the provision of incubation support services.

Capitalization and exploitation of MothersCan Project Results

  1. Sharing of Project Results to stakeholders and beneficiaries. During the Capitalization events foreseen the following Results will be disseminated: i. To Empowerment scheme supporting mother’s skills enhancement and return to work. ii. Changing the style package which refers to presentation of the training course for Hiring Managers on the benefits of hiring mothers iii. Flexibility support kit for the promotion of self-employment of mothers through the delivery of entrepreneurial skills
  2. Ensure transferability, so that Project results are going to be incorporated also by other organizations.
  3. Include policy makers and decision makers in the adoption of supportive measures in favour of women in pregnancy or mothers in early motherhood.

    Areas covered

    Creating upskilling pathways, improving accessibility and increasing take-up of adult education

    Upskilling, re-skilling of human resources

    Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport

    Offering equal opportunities for all

    Improving the competences of educators and other adult education staff

    Project Logo


    Funding Programme

    KA2 – Strategic Partnership in Adult Education


    11/01/2022 to 10/31/2025

    (36 Months)


    400.000 Euro

    Partner Countrys

    Greece, Germany, Cyprus, Spain, Romania, Belgium

    Project website (multilingual)